Charles St-Onge
December 20, 2017
Mission, Newsletter, Photos
Montreal, Quebec, Video
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of our friends! Here is a special one-page December 2017 Newsletter, and two videos of the St-Onges singing. One was for KFUO Radio, who faithfully support all our LCMS missionaries…
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Charles St-Onge
November 30, 2017
Mission, Newsletter
Jamaica, Mission, Newsletter, Puerto Rico, Quebec
Fall has come in earnest to Quebec, where we have had our first couple of snowfalls already. Our November 2017 Newsletter is now ready. I posted some pictures from our Puerto Rico Foro in Iowa a couple of weeks ago. If…
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Charles St-Onge
November 16, 2017
Mission, Photos
Puerto Rico
These pictures were taken on November 12-14, 2017 while I was in Puerto Rico helping coordinate disaster response efforts, and preaching Rev. Matthew Ruesch’s farewell sermon and service of Godspeed.
Charles St-Onge
October 31, 2017
Mission, Newsletter, Photos
Jamaica, Mission, Newsletter, Photos, Quebec
Happy 500th Anniversary of the Reformation! In celebration, here’s our October 2017 Newsletter. On October 30 I posted some pictures of our Reformation service and luncheon in Montreal. Here are some more pictures from October:
Charles St-Onge
October 29, 2017
Mission, Photos
Ascension celebrated the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation in grand style, with a French/English service followed by an international luncheon. Over 125 people attended, including Her Worship Anie Samson, the borough mayor and vice-chair of Montreal’s executive committee.
Charles St-Onge
September 28, 2017
Mission, Newsletter, Photos
Maria, Montreal, Puerto Rico
Get the latest update on the work of the Lord through us in our September 2017 newsletter. It has been a month of natural disasters: earthquakes in Mexico affecting our missionaries there, and three major hurricanes through the Caribbean: Harvey,…
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Charles St-Onge
August 30, 2017
Mission, Newsletter
Dominican, Jamaica, Mission, Montreal
Our August 2017 Newsletter is available for download! I also recorded a sermonette and a discussion of 1 Corinthians 8 with Rev. Jonathan Fisk on KFUO radio in mid-August, and had the chance to catch up with some supporters in Ohio…
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Charles St-Onge
June 27, 2017
Mission, Newsletter, Photos
Caymans, Haiti, Mission, Photos
Our June 2017 Newsletter is out! Summer is here, and the warm weather is a great reminder of the warmth of God. The new birth of trees and flowers reminds us of the promise of resurrection and restoration in Christ…
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Charles St-Onge
June 20, 2017
Mission, Presentations
Charles St-Onge
May 22, 2017
Mission, Newsletter
Mission, Newsletter, Video
The St-Onge May 2017 Newsletter is now available! Some of you have also asked whether I could produce a short video explaining what I do, something that could be shared with bible study classes, worship services, and elsewhere. I’ve posted it…
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