March has definitely been the busy month of the year so far. We completed our beginners’ winter English classes with over five dozen students, and will complete our advanced class with a pancake breakfast on Palm Sunday. We hosted an open house in Punjabi with the Comité d’action de Parc-Extension (CAPE). I started a men’s leadership study on Monday nights. Lyman Stone taught a four-week course after worship on the Christian foundations of Canadian holidays, which over three dozen people attended. Our mission team took a Saturday afternoon to attend a cabane à sucre (sugar shack), a spring tradition in Quebec. We were saddened by the announcement that our Deaconess, Emilie, would be moving to Halifax this summer with her family. Most importantly, we had another person join the Kingdom of God in Christ through Holy Baptism. Read all about it in our March 2023 newsletter, and check out the pictures below.