by Rev. Obot Ite, Missionary in Jamaica
Students and Staff of PGLS PGLS Students
“All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you.” Psalm 22:27. The passage above has been our inspiration as we laboured with hope that the Lord of harvest will accomplish His work among us, especially in the island of Jamaica.
Since the start of the year and from the Sunday of the Baptism of Our Lord, we had welcome two adults into the Body of Christ through Baptism. Baptized was Tamara Richards on Sunday January 10th, and John Brown on January 17th. They were some of the regular attendees at the congregation since 2013 but were not ready yet as most Jamaicans claimed. According to the words of our Lord: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” Mark 16:16. Both individuals rejoiced in the grace of God and boldly confessed their faith.
John Brown Andrea Bennett Celebrating Baptism
On Sunday February 14, Andrea Bennet was baptized and welcomed into the congregation. She has been attending worship services since 2014. The following Sunday, February 23, Baby Rasheed Willliamson was brought to the Lord in Baptism. Rasheed’s parents lived in the Parade Gardens community and were invited by Brother Henry and family. Members of our congregations and staff at our school are involved in connecting and serving people in the community. A couple of visitations to the sick, delinquent members in the community were undertaken by pastor and other members of our congregations and friends of our ministry. Grocery’s shopping and preparation/delivery of meals, home Bible studies were parts of the visit. We are grateful to God in serving the needs of these individuals.
Etoline Bruce Baptized Students and Staff of PGLS
In February, we welcomed three individuals, two adults and one infant into the Body of Christ through Baptism. Etoline Bruce, a 76-year-old lady was connected to the Lord through one of the regular participants of our community Bible Study group. At one of the home visits, she believed in the Lord and requested to be baptized. Her mobility is limited to her yard and has been assisted recently by that member of the study group. She and her partner are rejoicing in finding new friends from the Faith community.

Regular worship service and online Bible study class and counselling are part of the active ministry at St. Andrew Lutheran Church. On January 31, a seeker who attended our Worship Service twice last year and was offered counselling returned to thank God for blessing him with a new job and accommodation along with other benefits. He was homeless for weeks when he first found the church as he was seeking a place to sleep. He tearfully attended a worship service the first Sunday and repeated a visit the following Sunday. He was engaged in spiritual formation as part of the step to reform him and position him for a new opportunity in life. Greg is very grateful to God and the support he received through the congregation.