No, you haven’t missed anything. I was not able to get out an October 2020 newsletter. That would be the first monthly newsletter I missed in seven years. With respect, though, I was rather busy: 7,345 miles and 39 visits in 28 days. Read all about it in our November 2020 newsletter. Below is a gallery of the many people I spent time with on this trip and some of the places to which reconnect brought me.
The Herbs Peace, Cincinnati, OH The Becks and Pastor Gerald Paul The Martins The Kirbys Joe Wallace and Pastor Rempfer Mission Central Bethlehem, Annandale, MN Hosanna, Buffalo, MN The Paulsons The Keatings Center of the USA! The Emshoffs Friends in Azle, TX The Thomases The Edge Coffee ministry, Azle, TX The girls join a presentation by Zoom The Coulters and Geigels The Webbers St. Mark’s, Conroe, TX Good friends at Memorial, Houston Rev. Robert Paul at Memorial, Houston The Tobecks The Lehrmans Grace, Elgin, TX The Salazars host an evening in Houston, TX The Smiths The Lambersons With Alvin Fritche The Bosters and Georges The Clarks Pastors Ulrich and Peters at Grace, Clarksville, TN The Douthwaites Quarantine at home for 14 days!