An update on work in Puerto Rico from Ruth Maita, our newest LCMS Puerto Rico missionary:
Project Roof Repair has been a big focus this month, but not bigger than focusing our eyes on JESUS! So far one house has been completely repaired, another has started construction today and another will start on Monday! The in-between steps include visiting and getting to know the families, getting quotes on the work, buying the supplies and delivering them to the homes, and monitoring the progress of the repairs.
Yesterday, the community leader, Sarah, took us to meet a woman named Miriam who lives in a roofless house. She had received money from FEMA to repair her home, but the money was stolen by the contractor, who is now in jail. She lives in one room of the house which has been covered temporarily with zinc, wood and a tarp. She works at a public school cafeteria and says she slept inside one of the classrooms for two days after the hurricane first came.
Sometimes we have to decline assistance if it is more than we can handle. For example, one gentleman lived in a makeshift home on the shore, refusing to move into his sister’s home. She asked us to rebuild his home, but he needs foundation, walls, everything, and we can not help at this capacity. In other situations, home owners would like to improve their home which have not been damage by the hurricane. In these situations we sadly must say no.
Extra FYI: We are entering the hurricane season of this year and it seems that everyone is working on repairing zinc roofs. I spoke to a construction worker from Mississippi whose company is in charge of repairing 100,000 homes through a contract with FEMA. That’s a lot of houses! I asked him if they installed plywood under the zinc (metal). He said that there were certain restrictions they had from the government regarding what they could do. (So, no.) While some homeowners request plywood, it costs more than even zinc! When we include plywood it pushes our quote above the $2,000 US dollar mark.
Another exciting event which happened this week was a book distribution to the children at summer camp. Thanks to our contact with the community leader Sarah, we were introduced to the camp’s director and granted permission to share the LCMS Disaster Response resources. We were able to give each camper a book called “I have no fear.” The book explains many situations where we could be afraid (one page shows bad weather), and reminds that the reason we don’t need to be afraid is that God is always with us.
- Meeting with the church members in Ponce for a mid-week bible study
- Gustavo and Miriam are moving materials into her home.
- Pastor Gustavo preached in Ponce during Pastor Schuller’s vacation.
- The church in Mayaguez gathers after the service for coffee and a bible study.
- Gustavo and church member Ray on their way to check out his home repairs needs.
- Teaching piano.
- Christel Neuendorf will begin part-time work in Ponce this September.
- The DiLiberto family will begin work in Puerto Rico this October.