Our August 2017 Newsletter is available for download! I also recorded a sermonette and a discussion of 1 Corinthians 8 with Rev. Jonathan Fisk on KFUO radio in mid-August, and had the chance to catch up with some supporters in Ohio and Indiana on the way to a mission discussion in Fort Wayne, Indiana. As you’ll also see below, I helped arrange for Rev. Michael Salemink of Lutherans for Life to attend our regional team meeting. We are working with them to produce life resources in Spanish. Here is a gallery of August, 2017 pictures:
- Meeting in our new Dominican Republic Seminary
- Long time friends and supporters, the Martins, in Kokomo, IN
- Rev. Michael Salemink of Lutherans for Life
- The St-Onges, the Conrads, and the Naumanns, all supported by Messiah, Middletown, OH
- Outside our church in downtown Kingston, Jamaica
- Worship in French at Ascension, Montreal
- Deb speaking with Pastor Ted Krey before Divine Service
- Deb St-Onge played for the worship services of our regional conference
- Bible study with our Chinese teens