Charles St-Onge
August 30, 2017
Mission, Newsletter
Dominican, Jamaica, Mission, Montreal
Our August 2017 Newsletter is available for download! I also recorded a sermonette and a discussion of 1 Corinthians 8 with Rev. Jonathan Fisk on KFUO radio in mid-August, and had the chance to catch up with some supporters in Ohio and Indiana on the way to a mission discussion in Fort Wayne, Indiana. As you’ll also see below, I helped arrange for Rev. Michael Salemink of Lutherans for Life to attend our regional team meeting. We are working with them to produce life resources in Spanish. Here is a gallery of August, 2017 pictures:
Meeting in our new Dominican Republic Seminary
Long time friends and supporters, the Martins, in Kokomo, IN
Rev. Michael Salemink of Lutherans for Life
The St-Onges, the Conrads, and the Naumanns, all supported by Messiah, Middletown, OH
Outside our church in downtown Kingston, Jamaica
Worship in French at Ascension, Montreal
Deb speaking with Pastor Ted Krey before Divine Service
Deb St-Onge played for the worship services of our regional conference
Bible study with our Chinese teens