Our June 2017 Newsletter is out! Summer is here, and the warm weather is a great reminder of the warmth of God. The new birth of trees and flowers reminds us of the promise of resurrection and restoration in Christ Jesus. Here are some pictures of the past month:
- Sunday Worship in the Caymans
- “Time” to Say Goodbye
- Farewell Lunch for the Hasskarls
- Welcoming Vicar David Keating to Montreal
- Vicar Keating and Brazilian Pastor Jacobsen
- Summer Children’s Week in July!
- Port-au-Prince Approach
- Port-au-Prince
- Port-au-Prince
- Pastor Josué and friends
- 20th Anniversary of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
- Ordination Service
- 15 New Pastors in Haiti
- With Dick Beuthe of Haiti Lutheran Mission Society
- Packed House for Evening Worship