May 2016 Newsletter

Our May 2016 Newsletter is now available online! Summer is here, and we are all for that, especially after a long winter. The girls still have three weeks of school, but with unused “snow days” (why didn’t we use them when we needed them?) Olivia has only a dozen days left, and Sophia one more than that. I will be missing Olivia’s graduation from Grade 6, and St-Jean-Baptiste Day (fête nationale). I’ll be attending the Lutherans for Life board meeting in Iowa, and preaching at Shepherd of the Valley in West Des Moines, IA. Now that summer is here, Sophia is especially anxious to spend more time with Daddy (who has been away quite a bit). And yes: Deb’s eyes are better, although still not great. As always, you can drop a note or sign up for the newsletter here:

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