Map of LCC East Congregations

Where are the confessional Lutheran churches of far eastern Canada located? Here is a map of the LCC East District’s Ottawa Valley circuit, including LCMS congregations in that territory:
Where are the confessional Lutheran churches of far eastern Canada located? Here is a map of the LCC East District’s Ottawa Valley circuit, including LCMS congregations in that territory:
Our June 2016 newsletter is now available! Summer has begun, and with it sometime catching up with family now that school is out and daddy is home for a little bit. Did you know you can also now podcast my sermons? Sign…
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I’ve been working on some evangelism materials for our congregation here in Montreal. In addition to providing members with copies of the Small Catechism to hand out, I’ve prepared a pamphlet (Let.There.Be.Light) that introduces people to authentic Christianity. I’ve also prepared two…
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Our May 2016 Newsletter is now available online! Summer is here, and we are all for that, especially after a long winter. The girls still have three weeks of school, but with unused “snow days” (why didn’t we use them when…
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