On Sunday, February 28 I was installed as Area Facilitator for Puerto Rico, Jamaica and the Caymans. My family was able to be with me. We spent a few days reconnecting with missionary families, and having our kids share their experiences in the field (“I have to learn Spanish!” “I have to learn French!”).
- Deux-Montagnes, QC
- Leaving for school in Quebec
- And ready for worship in Santiago!
- Installation
- Rev. Ted Krey, Latin American Region Director
- Taking on the charge
- The Krey and St-Onge Families
- Preparing for our weekly conference call
- Cerro Alto
- Our temporary housing
- Houses with stained glass!
- Reconnecting 3 years after orientation
- Dominican food
- SInging about Jesus on the roadside!
- Dinner with the Meissners
- New friends…
- “Selling veggies” after worship
- Dinner at the Vicar’s
- Back to our home field