What Should I Preach?
Acts 2:22-36
One of my preaching professors completed his Ph.D. at a large, southern US baptist seminary. During one seminar his classmates were discussing what they would preach on Sunday. Many were unsure where to go next, having just completed sermon series and looking for another bible book or topic. My professor took out his church calendar, consulted the date, and announced what Gospel he would be preaching on the coming Sunday. His classmates wanted to know what wonderful, small book would give him a text to preach on – and some wanted one for themselves!
There are many sermons recorded in the Book of Acts, starting with Peter’s great Pentecost sermon in Acts 2. Some of the sermons were delivered to Jews (Acts 5), others to Greeks (Acts 17). Some started from creation, others from the events that had recently occurred in Jerusalem. Some included Old Testament references; others referred to other sources. But all of them, ultimately, proclaimed the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the sins of the world.
Ultimately, whatever text comes up, that is the main point of every good Christian sermon: Jesus. Whether we are preaching on stewardship, service in the world, how the church should be structured, or the doctrine of the Trinity, each of these topics should ultimately point us to the God who sent his only Son to die for us, that his Spirit might come to live within us.
Blessed Father, we give thanks for all of Scripture, which points us to Jesus as the only Savior of the world. Amen.