Deaconess Training in Jamaica

Pictures from the Deaconess Training event in Kingston, Jamaica, May 15-19, 2015.
Pictures from the Deaconess Training event in Kingston, Jamaica, May 15-19, 2015.
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The Love of One Lifted Up John 3:13-17 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son…” Those words, from John 3:16, may be some of the best known in the Bible. If asked to…
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Where Did You Come From? John 3:1-8 The study of genealogy is being taken up by more and more people. My sister-in-law, for example, really enjoys tramping through cemeteries looking for long lost relatives. I have an aunt who’s interested…
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What Should I Preach? Acts 2:22-36 One of my preaching professors completed his Ph.D. at a large, southern US baptist seminary. During one seminar his classmates were discussing what they would preach on Sunday. Many were unsure where to go next, having…
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The Voice of the Lord Psalm 29 What exactly is this psalm about? Certainly it urges us to praise the Lord for a number of great and mighty works, but what exactly are the events being described here? When was…
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The Throne of Christ Isaiah 6:1-8 Each of the prophets in the Old Testament reports a “call vision,” where the Lord summons them to speak his Word. It’s not always the first thing you read; sometimes it comes later in…
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The Blessed Man Psalm 1 In Luke 24:44, Jesus is recorded as saying that “everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” We don’t have to wade far into the…
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Getting Connected 1 John 5:9-15 A plant pulled from the soil soon dies. A fan disconnected from the wall socket stops. A hose unscrewed from the faucet runs dry. And a life disconnected from God is no life at all, but…
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From the Beginning Acts 1:21-23 Jesus chose twelve disciples to follow him, a number that echoes the twelve tribes of Israel. The number twelve, in Scripture, points to the people of God, called and saved by Him. But after Judas’ betrayal and…
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