August 2020 Newsletter

Two years ago this month I was preparing for our biennial network reconnect trip. Olivia and Sophia were looking forward to a visit with Old Missionary Gary and friends in Mapleton, IA and connecting with folks in Houston, TX. I was looking forward to the chance to update friends across the upper Midwest, southeast Texas, New England and the Ohio River Valley.

How things have changed in two years! I’m still planning on a reconnect trip, but by myself, all by driving starting from and ending in Montreal. Besides the water and snacks I’ll have masks, hand sanitizer, gloves for gas stops, and a lot more cautiousness. There’ll be four Sundays of preaching, a stop at Mission Central, and a lot of one-on-one visits.

Here’s a snapshot of what sharing the Good News of Jesus has been like for us this last month. You can download our August 2020 Newsletter or read in online below:
